Monday 30 June 2014


Rosemary Hipkins talks about the impact the NZC had on schools and the rate of change.

The 'growth phase' - high level curriculum change, energised school professionals, ongoing inquiries into shared practice, awareness of culture and diversity, strength based approach to learning. This initial growth stage took schools at least two years.

Followed by the maturation phase - a slowing down of the energy.

From here, two options. Decline or new growth phase.

Sustainability … is not linear. It is cyclical, for two fundamental reasons. One has to do with energy, and the other periodic plateaus, where additional time and ingenuity are required for the next adaptive breakthrough. (Fullan, 2004, p. 14) 

So, how to ensure that school's keep moving forward...impetus!. What is that motivates, inspires, engages us to look for new ways of doing things better?


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